Shepherd Blue Jay Bands Ryan Winters is director of a very good band program in Shepherd, MI.
Shepherd Public Schools The Central Michigan Area Concert Band has long enjoyed the enthusiastic support of this fine school system.
Village of Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival The Central Michigan Area Concert Band and the CMA Strollers annually participate in this great event. Check out what else is going on during the festival.
Hunter O'Brien Here is a video of one of our own! Hunter O'Brien joined the Central Michigan Area Concert Band while he was attending Shepherd High School. He is currently studying music at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.
J.W. Pepper Online Music Store This is a great way to purchase band and orchestra arrangements. You can search for what you want, or browse by category.
Chatfield Brass Band Music Lending Library An excellent way to obtain out-of-print band music.
Gateway Community Band Very fine community concert band to the north.
United States Coast Guard Band One of the finest professional concert bands in the world.
Meridian Community Band
A very well done web site with all kinds of links to other sites of interest, including community bands. The Meridian Community Band annually hosts the Red Cedar Festival of Community Bands in the greater Lansing area.
Michigan State University Bands The best in university wind groups, highly supportive of the CMACB and community bands in general.
Central Michigan University Bands High quality wind groups in our area.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra One of the world's very best orchestras. The CMACB is proud to be acquanted with George Curran, bass trombonist, who plays in this outstanding organization.
Brass Band of Battle Creek Truly one of the world's great premiere ensembles. If you've never heard them, you owe it to yourself to check them out.