Attention, Band Members: Rehearsal is cancelled for Monday, March 31. Practice will resume on Monday, April 7, 7:00 p.m. in the Shepherd band room. |
Thank you to the Isabella Chapter DAR for this great honor! |
The Central Michigan Area Concert Band was formed in the summer of 1973. After a few years in Mt. Pleasant the band located in Shepherd and grew under the baton of Musical Director Claude Lemmer, who was Director of Bands at Shepherd Public Schools. At the end of 2015 Claude passed the director's baton of the CMACB to Joseph Radtke, and assumed the honorary title of "Director Emeritus." Prior to accepting the baton from Claude, Joseph served as the CMACB's Associate Director. He has a master's degree in Music Education, currently serves as the Instrumental Music Teacher for Greenville Middle School and is Professor of Trombone at Alma College. Joseph, an active trombonist himself, is a member of both the West Michigan and Midland Symphony Orchestras. He has performed with the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra, Midland Music Society, Saginaw Eddy Band, Michigan Jazz Trail Big Band, Paradigm Brass Quintet and many other ensembles throughout Michigan.
Following the tradition set by Claude, Joseph continues to provide a broad range of musical literature to challenge the band members as well as provide the quality entertainment audiences have come to expect from the band. The CMACB meets year round presenting 8-12 concerts. The unauditioned, volunteer band members come from throughout the central Michigan area, some making a round trip of 100 miles or more to attend weekly rehearsals. They range in age from students to octogenarians. The band is also a member of the Association of Concert Bands.
The band rehearses each Monday night at 7:00 p.m. in the band room of Shepherd High School. If you would like to join, you can do so simply by attending a rehearsal. E-Mail us for directions by using the link at the bottom of this page.
“Although it sounds like a professional group, it’s actually a group of volunteers committed to playing quality music. The Central Michigan Area Concert band is always a crowd pleaser.”--Robert Ebner, former Director of University Events, Central Michigan University
Donations may be made out to the Central Michigan Area Concert Band and mailed to:
Central Michigan Area Concert Band P.O. Box 248 Shepherd, MI 48883
Shepherd Public Schools prohibits use of tobacco products on District property and buildings at all times (24/7). "Tobacco Products" means a preparation of tobacco to be inhaled, chewed, or placed in a person's mouth. "Use of a Tobacco Product" means any of the following: 1. The carrying by a person of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted smoking device; 2. The inhaling or chewing of a tobacco product; 3. the placing of a tobacco product within a person's mouth; 4. The use or smoking of electronic, "vapor," or other substitute forms of cigarettes, clove cigarettes or other lighted smoking devices for burning tobacco or any other substance.
Compliance with this policy is required for participation in rehearsals of the Central Michigan Area Concert Band.