Generally when Shepherd Schools are closed due to inclement weather rehearsal for that evening will be cancelled. Because weather conditions frequently improve throughout the day, if we decide to hold rehearsal despite a Shepherd Schools closure, that decision will be posted on the home page of the band web site no later than noon. We will do our best to post the decision either way, but in the unlikely event Shepherd Schools are closed and nothing is posted before noon, assume rehearsal is cancelled for that evening.
The easiest way to determine if Shepherd Schools have a weather cancellation is to like them on facebook. You can go to their facebook page by clicking HERE.
Local TV and radio stations, and also the Morning Sun newspaper regularly announce weather cancellations.
Note this policy applies to weather cancellations only. Unless otherwise notified, rehearsal will be held regardless of holiday, vacation or professional development day school closings. |
Be sure you're on Bob Chaffer's e-mail notification list. Bob plays trumpet. If you don't know who he is, ask any band member. Bob will send out an e-mail to the distribution list which will reinforce any announcement made on the website.